Water supply

Water taken from the Rhine is turned into the purest of waters: Around 90,000 m³ of water are consumed by the Industrial Park Wiesbaden each day. The major portion of this is used for cooling purposes and chemical processing. Water is taken from the Rhine on the Petersaue river island and conveyed to the filtration site, which is situated on the right riverbank. After filtration, the water is supplied to your operation via closed circular pipelines.

A component stream of up to 400 m³/h is fed into a chemical water processing plant. Here, additional purification is achieved by way of the following process steps:

  • precipitation of calcium carbonate by addition of Ca(OH)2
  • flocculation with FeCl3 for the adsorption of dissolved organic substances and microparticles
  • sedimentation and coldwater overflow
  • a second filtration level with gravel filters
  • collection in intermediate tanks
  • feed pumps
  • ion exchange for the removal of salt residues and silicic acid
  • thermic degasing of the boiler feed water

Electric conductivity, measured in Siemens per cm (µS/cm), is one indicator for the purity of water. In the Rhine’s water, values fluctuate naturally. Depending on water and precipitation levels, values between 500 and 800 µS/cm are measured. Water processed as described above has a conductivity of between 0.06 and 0.08 µS/cm after the final step of the process. Compare this to the levels of conductivity theoretically achievable based on the dissociation of water, which amounts to around 0.04 µS/cm. As you can see, we come pretty close to the threshold value.

Owing to the investments made over the past few years into the optimization and partial automation of the described process by the implementation of a control system, a constant quality of processed and demineralized water can be guaranteed. The water thus purified is used as boiler feed water as well as in chemical production and contributes to the good reputation of the Kalle-Albert Industrial Park.

Contact person

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Your contact person:

 Dr. Florian Ranzinger

Production VE/Cooling Water

 +49 611 962 8863

 +49 611 962 9010

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