InfraServ Wiesbaden's department of environmental protection an occupational safety covers the fields of authorized representatives, occupational safety, incident management, immission control, waste management, contaminated site management, permission management and contacts to the authorities. For further information and the contact details of the staff in charge, please check the subsequent menu items or download our <link file:2499 download file>service directory.
Authorized representatives

The department of environmental protection and occupational safety takes care of the provision of authorized representatives for waste management, utilities, immission control, water protection, incidents and radiation protection for you.
Occupational safety
The employees of the department of environmental protection and occupational safety take care of the provision of the specialist for occupational safety as well as the representative for radiation protection.
Further information
Incident management

The department of environmental protection and occupational safety offers support in the event of safety inspections according to the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance (StörfallV).
Immission control / immission measurements
We measure your noise emissions and immissions and can do lot more than just supply mere data, since we are accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
Emission measurements / air components

Our strength: Competency and flexibility in the measurement of air components and emissions with the consulting to match.
Workplace / hazardous substances measurements
Our workplace and hazardous substances measurements support you in protecting your staff.
Hygiene inspections / drinking water
We assist you in keeping clear with regard to hygienic aspects. Why don’t you have a closer look?
Waste management

Our department of environmental protection and occupational safety offers comprehensive consulting and support concerning waste management and recycling, for instance with regard to the prevention and recycling of waste.
Contaminated site management
You are not sure which pollutants are contained in your building materials? We are just the right partners for you.
Permission management and contact to the authorities

If you are interested in starting an operation on our site or have already done so, the department of environmental protection and occupational safety offers support in procuring the required permissions and in contacting the responsible authorities.