Hygiene inspections / drinking water

You would like to make sure that your employees breathe clean air and have hygienically safe drinking water at their disposal? In this case, we are just the right partners for you. Our hygiene inspections are an ideal means to ensure that neither your staff nor the environment will be exposed to germs.

As of 2015, you have to comply with additional requirements for the operation and monitoring of your recooling plants. With regard to this, we take pleasure in supporting you as a competent partner and by carrying out measurements.

  • Microbiological inspections of drinking water, for instance for colony counts and Legionella bacteria, in compliance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance (Trinkwasserverordnung)
  • Inspections of room air, including the sampling of exterior and interior air as well as surface replica
  • Hygiene inspections of ventilation systems in compliance with guideline VDI 6022
  • Monitoring of hygiene in recooling plants in compliance with guideline VDI 2047 Part 2

Please feel free to browse our service directory to discover further ways in which we might assist you.  



Contact person

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Your contact person:

 Dirk Meyer

Environmental protection / Immission Control

 +49 611 962 8218

 +49 611 962 9361

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