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Your contact person:
Dirk Meyer
Environmental protection / Immission Control
+49 611 962 8218
+49 611 962 9361
Be it in the context of regular inspections or for operational tests related to the monitoring of emissions – owing to our comprehensive know-how and great flexibility, we are able to offer you a custom-made solution, even for more complex issues. Our competent and flexible team of engineers and measurement technicians has short response times; this allows us to react spontaneously to the urgent needs of our customers.
Our broad portfolio of services encompasses continuous and discontinuous measuring methods for non-organic and organic components as summary parameters and/or individual components, supplemented by olfactory analyses as well as soil and landfill gas measurements. Thus we are able to address most issues pertaining to air pollutants.
Naturally, our portfolio of competencies in the field of measurement technology also includes qualified consulting surrounding all air-technical issues and compliance with environmental legislation (such as the German Federal Immission Control Act – BlmSchG – and the German Technical Guidelines for Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control – TA Luft).
Here is an overview of our services in the field of emission measurements/air components:
Our service directory, which we provide here for download, contains the entire range of services supplied by our department. Why don’t you check it out? We can surely offer something you need.